Nice write-up.

Two thoughts:

* I found this YouTube video very helpful during my PhD days as far as creating nice presentations was concerned: "Creating effective slides: Design, Construction, and Use in Science" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meBXuTIPJQk)

* With respect to tips 5 and 7, I've found the "Assertion-Evidence" approach for slide design to be a useful one (https://www.assertion-evidence.com/). The key idea is the title states an assertion, and the content on the slide backs it up (i.e., is evidence). This can be extended: the slide title is a sentence (or self-contained fragment) which relates to the overall flow/narrative of the presentation, and the content conveys that point.

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Thank you for your wonderful suggestions, Travis!

These are wonderful resources and I'm sure it will help me out in my academic career. Particularly, liked the assertion-evidence idea. Will surely use it in my next talk. :)

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